Committee members

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Our Committee

Committee member Jon Tuson
Ordinary member
Committee member James Jackson
Cross Country Captain
Committee member Paul Lacey
Road Captain
Committee member Heather Soden
Membership Secretary
Committee member Kate Rotheram
Social Secretary
Committee member John Smith
Life President
Committee member Sheila Garewal
Ordinary Committee Member
Committee member Mark Shuttleworth
Men's Fell Captain
Committee member Josie Greenhalgh
Ladies Fell Captain
Committee member Jo McManus
Road Captain
Committee member Gareth Pratt
Road Captain
Committee member Rachel Stevens
Welfare Officer
Committee member Christine Smith
Ordinary Committee Member

Latest club news

Coniston 16k Trail Challenge

Seven Lostockers headed to Coniston in the Lakes to compete in the Lakeland Trails 16k challenge. This is a beautiful run starting at Coniston Sports and Social club. The event has a festive feel with live bands and several events taking place over the weekend. As this was a challenge and not a race, runners ... Coniston 16k Trail Challenge

Wednesday 12th June 2024
Astley Park race 2 of 3

Lostockers headed to Chorley for the second instalment of the Astley Park Race. This is the third race in the road/trail midweek champs. There were some fantastic results, Paul Edwards had an amazing run, covering the 3.7 miles in 24:15. He was closely followed by Dave Parry in 26:52 and Greg Kilshaw was the third ... Astley Park race 2 of 3

Wednesday 12th June 2024
Horwich Festival of Racing

The Horwich Festival took place at Rivington on Monday 3 June 2024. This is a 5k route through Rivington starting at the top barn. The race heads along Royton Lane with a steep climb at Royton Road, the remainder of the race is down hill back to the barn.   Lostock AC was represented by ... Horwich Festival of Racing

Wednesday 12th June 2024

120 Members
544 Miles ran this week
50940 Elevation gain achieved this weeK

What our members love about Lostock A.C.

Greg Kilshaw
Joining Lostock AC has been one of the best things that's ever happened to me. I decided to give it a try mainly to loose weight and meet new people. It's really helped with my weight, mental health and output on life. I've been in the club over a year now. Everyone makes you feel so welcome and I love being part of the Lostock family. My running has definitely improved, especially seeing all the medals I've won. It is not just running, Lostock offers other activities too such as cycling, bootcamp and skiing. All I've had a go at which has just been brilliant. Lostock is my second family . I have entered the Machester marathon next year and an ultra. All this for someone who couldn't run . Everyone has made me feel very welcome in the club, I now consider myself to be a runner and would recommend anyone to give Lostock a try.
Rachel Stevens
I joined Lostock AC to help improve my running and to motivate me to run more often. The club has surpassed my expectations. I am not from Bolton originally and did not have many friends in the area. I now feel part of an extended family. I have been encouraged and supported to run half marathons, marathons and an Ultra. I would never believe this was possible 3 years ago.
Rachel Hancock
I’m proud to be a member of Lostock AC, it’s an inclusive club with lovely people, there’s plenty of sporting activities to get involved in and the social get togethers are always welcoming and fun.

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