Race report by Greg:
Thanks everyone what a race tonight . I was running really well until I decided to make an overtaking manoeuvre to pass 4 runners mid way. Got sick of single file traffic 🤣 Big Mistake I dive bombed into the ditch and fell flat on my chest winded myself. This happened 3 times . I lost my rhythm and my number along with my orange smiley Magnets. Mark managed to calm me down and told me someone would find my number . Honestly I thought my race was over . Anyway my number appeared and then Mark and Tony passed me, then Andy
It wasn’t long after I tripped again. A doctor running from Darwin said I looked pale . Coming back and I stumbled again with Josie on my tail. She told me to take it easy as she passed with ease .
Over a minute slower than last year . Sally made clear sense coming back . I am often too hard on myself, and I should enjoy it more as it was a great night with Lostock. It was much better than TV and football.
Thanks everyone we all put in a great performance, and Andy for driving me and Sally especially saving his vest and heart rate monitor left on his roof . It was still on when we got back despite his blue light run back 🤣 for the footy.
Just resting with a swollen ankle.. A golden Arches on way home cheered me up .. Replacement of salt loss 🤣
Race results:
Lostock Ladies had a fantastic race coming first in the teams category. Other epic results include:
Tommy Smith 41:08
Tom Grundy 42:26
Tony Marlow 43:47
Mark Shuttleworth 44:03
Josie Greenhalgh 45:00 (2nd in age category)
Andy Laycock 45:15
Greg Kilshaw 45:51
Nikki Hamerton 47:33 (2nd in age category)
Sally McCoy 48:14 (3rd in age category)
Rachel Hancock 50:44
Mark Checkley 59.27
Lostock AC are proud to announce that we now have Yoga lessons. They are taking place on Thursday 6.30pm. Members pay just £20 for 4 sessions. Please get in touch if you are interested in joining us. membership@lostock-ac.co.uk
Bolton Parkrun: Rachel Hancock 29:02 (2nd in age category) Ian Burns 30:37 (3rd in age category) Fish Hoek (Cape Town) Tony Maxwell 26:05 (1st in age category) Sheila Garewal 32:23 (1st in age category) Haigh Woodland Parkrun: Gareth Pratt 24:23 Greg Kilshaw 25:23 Mary White 27:47 (1st in age category) Rachel Stevens 28:27 (2nd ... Parkrun Results 8 February 2025
Lostocker, Rachel S completed the Blackburn Winter Warmer 10k. The race is organised by Blackburn Road Runners and starts on the running track at Witton Park. The race route completed a loop around Witton Park. The race starts with a lap of the track before heading out of the park on to Buncer Lane. This ... Blackburn Winter Warmer 10k